Tuesday, August 23, 2005

My Darker Half

Meet my darker half dears, with her pet and beloved companion, Hugo. They are usually up to no good, I can tell you that. Hugo is full of gossip, and tales of blood and sacrifice.


At 8:43 PM, Blogger Anita Marie Moscoso said...

Dark Half? Hmmm....
Anita Marie

At 5:33 AM, Blogger Gwen M. Myers said...

My passions, imagination, and beauty were held captive in endless night when I was imprisoned in the Dark Halls of the Wicked Overlord Fearrh. So, although she is not herself of Darkness, despite her appetites, she lives in what is familiar, and where she can move freely.
She was so long held in the Dark, that despite her Spirit longing Light,she suffers when she tries to live in the Light.
So. I must, perforce, slowly and gently; bring the Light to her. I am the only one who knows when she cries "Enough!" and cringes into the shadows again.
She is most drawn to those whose Light is painful to her, hoping that by being close to them she will learn to bear the Light. Many who see her call her beautiful, she does not see this, she sees the ugliness that has been the canvas of her life ere she first was touched by Light.
Slowly, Myrddin, Arturis Rex, Johnny Reb,the Red Knight-M'Lord Dane, Aeowyn and other Heroes touched her canvas and left their imprint there, like sunlight filtering through leaves of an autumnal morning.
Silver-white patches of trust atop the blood of old wounds, dark as Moroccan leather.
The taste of passion, wine-red, honeyed and tempting; reviving a heart too long in amber, frozen and waiting.
Love, that bright golden caress, tasting of magic, moonbeams and trust, flows gracefully between the shades.
Hope in flashes of brilliant purple, like the capes of Kings and Mages flutter to rest where it wills.
Still, the nauseating sulfurous yellow of fear, like the path of a crushed caterpillar, glares from its footholds.
The obsidian black of sorrow is the lead between panes of the mosiac of my Secret Self, the one I hold in abeyance. The part that is too fragile for the rough and tumble of this world.
She is my darker half, and I could not live without her.

At 7:57 PM, Blogger Gwen M. Myers said...

Thank you M'Lady. Mayhap your own Dark Half begs release here in the Hall of Dark Halves?

At 8:30 PM, Blogger Imogen Crest said...

Well - I know the way I have come, through the dark. No-one is immune. Most important is the realisation that the dark is necessary. There is no release, just understanding, and so it goes.


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