Tuesday, August 23, 2005

On those nights when a storm threatens 'tis best to snuggle in with a book, and a candle for when the lights go out. Because they will, they always do here.

With lightning crackling across the heavens and layers of brooding clouds blocking out moon and stars it can get awfully... dark here. That is when the Voices start. You've never heard Them?? Stay here tonight, please. It's too soon till full night to travel. You'll be far safer here, in my Circle...


At 8:45 PM, Blogger Anita Marie Moscoso said...

I watched a lightning storm from the upper branches of a cherry tree when I was a young girl...no I don't know how I got down in one piece...but it was FUN!

Anita Marie

At 4:46 AM, Blogger Heather Blakey said...

Safe in your circle? I am not so sure about that given your darker side. Mine is rather exotic too.

At 6:15 AM, Blogger Gwen M. Myers said...

It is only within the Shelter of a properly drawn and erected Circle that one can know safety from the darkness that slithers beneath your petty senses.
Sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch are tricky things, that will fool you over and over.
Follow the voice of your Spirit guide, She will ever know where to place her trust.
I ask you to remain in my Circle not for myself I am safe within and without the circle.
I have heard the whirlwind's voice, and tasted the flavour of lightning in my bones.
I have felt the rumbling of the flood beneath my feet, and had the wildfire warm my flesh to blistering.
I have walked in the steps of the Giants, and flown with the faery on their nightly rounds.
I have lived in the Halls of Hel itself, and heard the voices of the Valkyries.
I haved wept alone in darkness. and seen the bonds of the stars drawn with silver spiderwebs across the Vault of Heaven.
I have suffered the deepest shame, and known the sweetest love.
I am the Lady o two Faces, The High Priestress of Venus.
You watch me circle the world, feel my pull; and yet forget what I am to you.
I am Maiden, Mother and Crone, yet I am none of them. I am a symbol, yet I am of flesh as are all of you.
I am all of you, and I am nothing without you to reflect my Light.
I could never harm My Daughters, I live in the Darkness so that you may know the Light.


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